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Alberta Employment Growth Finishing Strong in 2014

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Canada Employment Growth Takes a Turn with Alberta in LeadNation of Canada

While concern about Canada’s economy seems to be spreading throughout the nation, things seem to have taken a turn for the better as of late.

For two consecutive months now Canada has experienced healthy levels of employment growth with its western prairie provinces leading the charge – both qualitatively and quantitatively. See more at Alberta Jobs Continue to Attract Migrants.

According to Statistics Canada, our country has added almost half a million new full-time jobs at 489,000 and 133,000 part-time jobs over the past three years. Percentage wise, that is about a 3.5 and 4.0 percent increase for these respective categories.

Statistics Canada’s recent Labour Force Survey (LFS) reports that Alberta’s market has remained relatively strong throughout 2014 with an added 45,000 jobs between December of 2013 and October of 2014.

Such a number seems to be quite a lot… and it is!

Alberta was responsible for approximately 36 percent of Canada’s 126,300 workers gained for that period of time.

Alberta and Saskatchewan Lead

Both Alberta and its friendly eastern neighbour Saskatchewan have seen employment growth at a far greater pace than other Canadian provinces.

Saskatchewan was the highest in the country with a 9.3 percent growth over the past three years. Alberta was in second place with approximately 8.2 percent.

Full-time positions in both of these provinces has outpaced part-time, indicating an improvement in overall job-quality.

Ontario and British Columbia

Canada’s most populated province has seen rather modest employment gains over the past three years with full-time positions increasing by only 4.3 percent. However, it has outpaced that of part-time, indicating an improvement on overall job quality.

British Columbia on the other hand has seen the highest rates of improvement when it comes to job quality as full-time growth has increased considerably while part-time positions have decreased.

More Canadian Economics

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