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Calgary Baby Boom

Baby Boom in Calgary

Babies Galore in Calgary

Further to a story I wrote the other day about how Calgary is the youngest of major Canadian cities,  I’m sure a lot of you feel like this year you have seen more baby bumps than you have in a long time, since 2007 in fact.

In 2007 Calgary broke the record for most babies born in a year in Alberta with approximately 17,000 births! This year we will be exceeding that with an estimated 18,000 births, almost half of all Albertan baby’s by the end of 2011!

Be prepared to hear the names, Sarah, Liam, Olivia, Jacob, Emma and Ethan a lot , with those being the most popular names for Albertan Babies the past few years (and Im sure this year too) from parents at the mall trying to wrangle up their kids!

Source:  Babies Names Birth Record

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