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Condo Security Tips: 15 Ways to Improve Your Apartment’s Security

  • December 22, 2023
  • By Cody Battershill

Top 15 Condo Security Tips to Help Improve Your Safety

Condos provide residents with a heightened sense of security. Not only do you have neighbours nearby, but common areas are well lit and security systems operate 24/7 to ensure your safety.

But despite all these features, some may want to take their condo security to new heights. After all, every condo owner is responsible to themselves, their neighbours and the common property to be accountable for upholding security for the building.

If you're looking at ways to feel safe when living in an apartment, we recommend you follow our condo security tips below. These actions are easy to do and don't take much to improve your overall security – and safety. Also see:

Condo Security Quick Tips:

  1. Parkade security is vital as it is often a target of crime
  2. Don't just let anyone into your condo
  3. Meet your neighbours and open lines of communication just in case
  4. Avoid using your full name on the buzzer I.D. system
  5. Reinforce all entrances to your apartment
  6. Ask the board about getting more video surveillance and lighting
  7. Get collective feedback about how to improve apartment security
  8. Get rid of signage that would direct criminals to valuable property
  9. Consider hiring a concierge or security service
  10. Get feedback from building residents
  11. Get a house-sitter
  12. Ask your family and/or friends to stop in
  13. Buy auto-timer light switches
  14. Buy indoor cameras
  15. Install an alarm system

#1 – Be mindful of the parkade security

apartment security tips for underground parking

The underground parkade in condo buildings is often a target for crime due to its seclusion away from the residential units and use for storage by residents.

When you enter and exit your parkade, be wary of anyone trying to breach the garage. Stop and wait until the door closes behind you to ensure your condo's security.

#2 – Don't let people in who you don't know

A primary rule of thumb for condo security is not to let anyone in that you don't know. Instead, subtly shut the door behind you as you exit or enter, and kindly ask any guests and visitors to buzz themselves in.

If you feel uncomfortable entering or leaving your condo when strangers are waiting at the entrance, consider going through another exit to avoid them altogether.

#3 – Get to know your neighbours

Condo owners have a sense of shared security as "shared" building owners. Therefore, getting to know your neighbours is a great way to enhance security and be aware of what's happening in and around the building.

If possible, exchange phone numbers with them so that you have a line of communication open to report any suspicious activity. You never know when a quick text or call may be useful in a security situation.

#4 – Simplify your buzzer identification

apartment security tips - simplify buzzer identification

Avoid putting your full name on your front-door buzzer system. Instead, consider using your initials so that someone can't pretend to know you to get access to the condo.

Not using your full name also enhances your condo's security, as people cannot search for your name – for whatever reason.

#5 – Reinforce your door with locks

Another excellent condo security tip is to invest in new hardware for your door. Most condos have a simple door lock, which isn't the best line of defence when looking for added security.

Consider buying a door reinforcement lock or hinged lock to beef up your entranceway's security – and sleep peacefully knowing your apartment is secure from break-ins.

#6 – Invest in more video and lighting

Cameras and lighting are both deterrents to crime, so give your board a few condo security tips and ask them to invest more in both. More lighting along exterior entranceways and video surveillance inside and outside the building will considerably improve security.

Also, motion-activated lights for the exterior save energy and create awareness for movement near a certain part of the building. Such lights have been proven to deter criminals as they make it harder to conceal their identity and activity.

#7 – Be aware of suspicious behaviour

apartment security tips - beware of suspicious behavour

Notify your building manager or security staff about suspicious behaviour you see or hear. You may be right if your gut feeling tells you something is wrong.

It's better to be safe than sorry in these situations; don't doubt your instincts regarding condo security and tipping off your building's management staff.

#8 – Get rid of signage for valuables

Remove any signage that may indicate where valuable objects are stored. For example, remove the label "bicycle storage" from its storage room door so anyone who may breach the parkade, for example, doesn't know where to look.

New residents will need a proper walk-through to ensure they know where everything is – something your building manager or board should consider.

#9 – Consider 24/7 concierge or security

Investing in a 24/7 concierge or security service to maintain a presence at your condo building drastically reduces the chance of criminal activity.

Hiring a security guard or front concierge may be expensive, so it is often used as the last line of defence for condo boards looking to beef up security. However, many upscale developments cover these costs with more costly condo fees.

#10 – Get feedback from building residents

condo security tips - condo board brainstorming v3

The more minds, the better when thinking about collectively improving your condo building's security.

An anonymous comment box in the mail room, for example, allows residents to make suggestions on how to further improve the condo's security, tips that should be carefully considered.

#11 - Get a house-sitter

Hiring a house-sitter is one of the best ways to keep things safe and secure at home while you're away. This is especially so if you have anything living such as plants and pets that need to be looked after on a daily basis.

Remember that hiring someone you know is likely the best option as you will already have some trust established and possibly get a better rate than from someone you don’t.

#12 – Stop-ins from family and/or friends

If having a house-sitter isn’t your thing, you could always ask trusted friends and family to stop in at your condo once or twice a week to ensure nothing is wrong.

That way, if a problem does arise, this person can make the proper arrangements to solve any issues on your behalf, such as reporting an attempted break-in, fixing a leak in the kitchen, and so on.

No one wants to deal with issues like these after arriving home from an extended business trip or vacation -- ask someone you trust to stop in for a quick check every now and then!

#13 – Buy auto-timer light switches

condo security tips - condo with interior lights on v2

It is easy to plug in a few of your lamps in different rooms into automatic light switch timers that will turn them on and off throughout the day, preferably when it is dark outside. This gives whoever may be “watching” your property the idea that someone is home.

Just make sure you find timers with a random setting so the lights don’t turn on simultaneously.

#14 - Buy indoor cameras

Take security into your own hands by buying indoor cameras to monitor your condo while away. These cameras connect to a smartphone app you can easily open and view anytime and anywhere as long as you're connected to the internet.

Make sure to buy the right kind of indoor cameras; they are usually cheaper than their outdoor counterparts and may have special built-in features that add to the overall experience.

#15– Install an alarm

If your condo security is of the utmost importance and you would prefer not to rely solely on a house-sitter or family, then get an alarm system! Yes, it may cost you a bit of cash to set up, install and pay for monthly, but it will be worth it knowing that your place is as secure as can be.

Don’t get me wrong, bi-weekly check-ups from family and friends are still a great way to go, but the alarm system will add that extra level of security you may be looking for when halfway across the world.

Condo Security Helps Retain Your Investment

Implementing these condo security tips above will help you retain the value of your condo. How so, you might ask?

When a condominium gets bad press or has security issues, it can also impact the building's desirability and, thus, its overall market value. Bad press in the media and adverse incidents recorded in condominium documents can undoubtedly influence buyer demand.

So, take an interest in your condo and discuss these measures with fellow owners – for the well-being of yourself, your neighbours and your finances. It is absolutely in your best interest to do so!

Questions about Condo Security in Calgary?

Contact a NW Calgary Apartment Specialist

As top-producing RE/MAX real estate agents and professional REALTORS®, we know apartment security tips well and would love to share our knowledge with you!

Contact us anytime at [email protected] or call us at 403-519-0495 if you have questions about condo security or anything else to do with the residential market and we will be happy to assist you!